Menciptakan solusi dalam pembangunan istana yang megah dan berkelanjutan memerlukan perencanan yang matang dan pelaksana
Membangun dengan kualitas, inovasi, dan keberlanjutan untuk menciptakan ruang yang kokoh dan bernilai tinggi.
Mewujudkan proyek konstruksi unggul dengan dedikasi, keahlian, dan komitmen terhadap keberlanjutan.
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JTCC is a Korean-based company that providing solution and products in Construction Chemicals Industries. The product provided by JTCC having 30 – 40 years of experience in vast reference area of application in construction chemicals.
Gambar Visi
Gambar Misi
1. PT. Jagat Tata Cipta Cerdas Indonesia aims to be a benefit to its related party.
2. Develop its employee as its biggest asset in PT. JTCC Indonesia.
3. Provide the high-quality products with reasonably price in Indonesia.
1. Profit sharing to the JTCC s customer.
2. Introducing and Launch New Products and / or new Systems in certain time priod that market-wise time-efficient and cost-effective.
3. Continuous Work-related Training to its employee.
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Gambar Produk
Aspal Hotmix
Gambar Produk
Batu Split
Gambar Produk
Beton Pracetak
Gambar Produk
Gelagar Baja
Gambar Produk
Pipa Beton
Gambar Produk
Manhole Cover
Gambar Produk
Panel Dinding
Gambar Produk
Kaca Tempered
Gambar Produk
Bata Ringan
Gambar Produk
Keramik Lantai
Gambar Produk
Lantai Epoxy
Gambar Produk
Panel Insulasi
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Project Reference
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(021) 82740458
P296+6GG, RT.008/RW.019, Pengasinan, Kec. Rawalumbu, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17115